Do you want to build a bigger audience and maximize the number of visitors your website gets and become more noticed, gain the audience you deserve?… When you know your content is good and you have so much to offer if you could only reach the right people?… Then this will be a post you will not want to miss out on!

Maybe you already have your very own website that you are now the proud owner of, a corner on the internet that you can finally call yours! That’s probably full — of great content with tons of valuable information. With only one problem, your audience does not know you even exist, even though you may have so much to offer if you could only reach the right people?

Even if you’re still in the thinking stages and planning to start a website/business and have not started your very own website but you’re pl to start your very own website, want to know how to gain traffic and attract the right audience to your website, you’re in the right place!

Even if you’re still in the undecided phase stages of thinking of starting a website/business, that’s great! This post will still benefit you, because SEO keyword research is one of the most fundamental steps of seo task among other ranking factors to gain free organic traffic

If you want to build your website’s credibility and be able to bring in more views, your audience has to know you even exist whether you already have some traffic to your website, or you have none. SEO keyword research makes this all more possible.

This post will help you learn the basics of SEO Keyword Research, to gain free organic traffic. Even if you have never done keyword research before, do not even understand what SEO is. Maybe you have even tried and were unsuccessful This post will be full of many helpful tips to implement into your keyword research strategy to help you succeed from the very beginning and build a strategic, meaningful strategy for your keywords. With this guide, you will be on your way to becoming an SEO keyword research expert.

Attracting an audience and maximizing the number of visitors to your website can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task, especially for a complete beginner, If you don’t understand some basic SEO terms and their processes involved This can make the learning process a lot harder, less meaningful also leaving you with so many questions: What steps am I missing, what am I doing wrong maybe this isn’t for me.

Leaving you to question your

SEO Keyword Research will be your first and most important step for gaining traffic to a website while you probably know that — or you wouldn’t be here right! In this guide, we will go over the very beginning steps such as

  • What is SEO Keyword Research (A simple explanation of what it is and how it works)
  • Basic SEO vocabulary terms (Understanding a few basic terms of SEO will give you a better idea of how the process works, that will help you be more successful with ranking your keywords)
  • Keywords (Short-tail and Long-tail, keywords explained)
  • Understanding Search Results (multiple examples using google search results)
  • Brainstorming (How to brainstorm for keywords to start your research)

We will begin with these steps So, that you are successful right from the start without any confusion, you will learn what it takes to optimize your webpages, to been seen by search engines like Google. This guide will be full of a ton of helpful tips for learning how to do your first keyword research so you can become an SEO keyword research expert! You will have a clear understanding of exactly what it takes to build authority and be able to start ranking in the views and get ahead of your competition!

Let’s jump right in to get you started building your audience, below is a table of contents feel free to jump to any section. Although I strongly recommend starting from the very beginning and not skipping any steps, as you might miss out on the best tips an give you the best chance for ranking your keywords!

What Is SEO Keyword Research

SEO Keyword Research is the first and most important step of SEO (search engine optimization) tasks among other SEO strategies that help you rank for certain keywords and show up in SERP (search engine results page) such as Google to gain free organic traffic.

Keyword Research involves identifying all keywords and phrases that relate to your topic and see what your audience searching for. Keyword research helps you to identify the ranking factor of your keyword and determine if the keyword will be in high or low demand for the best practice of keyword research would be to cover all areas and become more successful at showing up in SERP (search engines results page) and rank for the keywords of your content that meet the needs of a user’s search query.

Basic Vocabulary Terms of SEO Keyword Research

If you don’t some basic knowledge of SEO Vocabulary, it can make the process a lot harder to understand. To be successful with your keyword research from the very beginning, to make this process more smooth and meaningful we will go over a few basic terms involved to help

To make your learning process much easier

What Is a Keyword?

A Keyword for SEO is the words and phrases you will use to describe and optimize the content of your website.